Check mail recipients before sending

Safely send email in Gmail™

This Gmail™ add-on lets you confirm the email recipients before the message is sent. This prevents accidental sending the message to the wrong recipients. The Gmail Android app natively provides a similar function. For this see Google Gmail help or this video.

Gmail™ is a trademark of Google LLC.

The preventative function of '123 Confirm before Send' aligns with GDPR Article 32to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures together with a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of those measures to ensure the security of processing”. The add-on asks to confirm external email recipients with a convenient Gmail add-in solving the problem of misaddressed emails and preventing data leakage.

The add-on also works on replies. A sender with a spoofed email address of your CEO or CFO will get caught as the add-on requires users to confirm the email address before responding externally. This minimize the risk of spear phishing.

Contact us to add corporate branding and the ability to include custom text with a link to your email policy, your users will be reminded that your organization cares deeply about email security each time they send an email.

#GmailSelfVerification, #SafeSend, #ConfirmBeforeSend, #ConfirmSend

Prevent sending email by accident

How it works

The three main steps to confirm sending a mail:

Application Data Disclosure

Learn how we handle your data via our privacy statement of 123 Confirm before Send.

Get started with email confirmation

User manual

for the Google mail add-on 123 Confirm before Send
