Version history
123 Toolkit for Domain contacts
This page lists the release info of major and minor versions. Bug fix releases (if any) are mentioned as part of the release. The version numbering that we use is major.minor.bugfix. E.g. Version 1.2.3 would mean the first major release, second minor release, third bug fix.
Version 1
First release; followed by a few minor bug releases:
solved length property error.
improved sheet creation (validate values in Status column and email address column).
improved error logging.
improved sheet layout (alternate row coloring),
status column gray,
removed spaces from Spreadsheet data during Contact creation in the Google Directory,
fixed prefix value retrieval (it was previously not retrieving the prefix value, but full name by accident)
fixed 'length error' message during the list action, in case that no contacts are available.
fixed the text string display for contact field "Notes"
Replace help guide document with a help page on this website.
solved issue for ' (apostrophe) character in name (conflict with email address display name),
solved issue for missing ID for update/delete, by showing the error Code in the status column
Fixed issue for trim is not a function for the postalcode column. In case the postal code is numeric value.
Improved the creation of the Contact Sheet: adding more Cell Notes with help text).
Improvement on the creation of the Insight sheet (layout and formulas improvement). Should also be faster.
Solved a bug when retrieving the contact data from Google and saving the data in the sheet. Previously values of the previous contact could be inherited to the new data row. Fixed by setting the contact data every time to empty.
Solved (list function) issue , contact phone is now placed in the correct spreadsheet column (Mobile or Work).
Updated column help text for email 1, email 2 and mobile phone on Contact sheet.
Solved issue during list, retrieving Organization Title and Job in a correct way.
Note, there might be an issue with the Update function. Not sure why,when, how. Feedback appreciated. Does the update work for you?
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