help guide 

123 Work Insights icon

Description of 123 Work Insights icon

When to use it

Use the instruction below when you want to utilize Google Workspace Work insights. You need to have the required Google Workspace Enterprise license for this service. 

How it works

By creating a GCP project and publishing the Work insights link as the URL for the project. You will enable the URL just for the users who are entitled to utilize Google Workspace - Work insights.


1 - Create a GCP project

2 -  Create a Consent screen

3a - Credentials

3b - Credentials

In the OAuth Client ID screen:

On the next OAuth screen click OK

4 - APIs

5a - Marketplace API

5b - Marketplace API

5c - Marketplace API

5d - Marketplace API

In the tab “Store listing”:

6a - Authorize app

After the app is published you will see the link for the app in the Marketplace, 

Propagation may take up to 72 hours.

6b - Authorize app

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a super admin?

Do I need Google Workspace enterprise licenses